ChemFORWARD Launches CleanScreen: A Cloud-Based App for Safer Electronics Cleaning Formulations

CleanScreen is part of a suite of free tools that empowers the entire supply chain to prioritize worker health and the environment.

Durham, North Carolina – June 25, 2024 – ChemFORWARD, a non-profit leader in safer chemistry, announces the launch of CleanScreen, a cloud-based application designed to empower formulators of cleaners and degreasers used in electronics assembly. CleanScreen was developed with support from Apple to streamline the creation of safer formulations, and ultimately protect workers’ health and the environment. CleanScreen is available to formulators and contract manufacturers at no cost for a limited time.

Cleaners and degreasers are one of the highest use materials in electronics assembly, which is why it is so critical that they be as safe as possible in their formulation and usage.

CleanScreen tackles this challenge by providing formulators with a suite of powerful tools, including:

  • Rapid Screening. Utilize a pre-populated repository of comprehensive chemical hazard assessments to enable rapid screening and high-quality results;

  • Formulation Optimization. Identify safer alternatives to substitute chemicals of concern using ChemFORWARD’s shared repository organized by function and searchable by physicochemical properties;

  • Transparency with CBI Protection. Build B2B confidence and trust with reporting formats that feature transparency on hazards while protecting confidential business information.

ChemWorks Hub

CleanScreen is the latest addition to the existing ChemWorks hub, which was created with support from Apple to accelerate the adoption of safer cleaners and degreasers. ChemWorks is a resource for brands and manufacturers seeking third-party certified cleaners as well as a suite of tools for formulators to screen, optimize, and verify the use of safer chemistry. This combined approach offers several key benefits to the supply chain:

  • Reduced Costs and Faster Certification: Pre-screening formulations through CleanScreen helps formulators improve readiness for rigorous third-party certification, ultimately saving time and money.

  • Beyond Regulation: CleanScreen goes beyond simply meeting compliance standards. It empowers formulators to prioritize the well-being of workers and the environment backed by the best available science.

  • Open-Source Collaboration: ChemWorks leverages a pre-competitive collaborative model, fostering information sharing to enable industry-wide adoption of safer cleaning practices.

Participating brands are encouraged to specify the use of third-party certified safer cleaners and guide their contract manufacturers to the free registry on In turn, brands and manufacturers may direct their suppliers and formulators to the free screening and safer alternatives tools, which create a pipeline of safer formulations ready for third-party certification.

“This program was designed to activate the entire electronics supply chain to address potential chemical exposures from high-use cleaners and degreasers,” explained Stacy Glass, Co-founder and Executive Director of ChemFORWARD. “This program eliminates friction to increase speed and reduce the cost of implementing one of the highest-impact worker safety solutions the industry is facing.”


ChemFORWARD is a science-based, non-profit value chain collaboration focused on advancing safer chemistry in the electronics industry. We promote the sharing of data and safer alternatives, and the verification and promotion of materials that meet rigorous scientific evaluation. ChemFORWARD manages ChemWorks and CleanScreen. Learn more and access tools at:

Contact: Vishaal Gopal, Program Manager - Safer Electronics Collaborative,


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