Designed for material suppliers to:

  • Stay ahead of regulations and trends

  • Ensure human AND environmental safety

  • Build trust through third-party verified transparency

  • Confidentially disclose once and let verified data flow to all stakeholders

  • Distinguish products and increase market share

Start your SAFER journey ❯❯ SAFER Product Listings ❯❯



Safer ingredients lead to safer products. Safer products enable humans and the environment to thrive.

ChemFORWARD SAFER was designed to help suppliers demonstrate human and environmental safety and build trust with their customers based on a rigorous, third-party process. Choosing ingredients with the ChemFORWARD designation ensures that you are starting SAFER.



In their own words, our partners describe how ChemFORWARD’s SAFER program will change how the industry defines human and environmental safety and how SAFER is different than anything else on the market



 “We’ve been working with ChemFORWARD since 2018 and have seen how they have grown to arrive at the new ChemFORWARD SAFER program. By merging complex safety data with a user-friendly scoring system and the Novi platform that our brands are already utilizing, it’s win-win for all parties involved. We believe this effort will help uncover new safer alternatives, encourage suppliers to proactively fund the assessment of materials with limited or no safety data, and reward manufactures of safer alternatives with preferred purchasing through supplier marketplaces.”

Carley Klekas, Principal of Product Sustainability at Sephora



A new model of data-sharing and benefit-sharing that is cost-effective for individual suppliers while advancing collective impact.

With a rapidly growing repository of chemical hazard data and safer alternatives, you are benefiting from the contribution of others while utilizing the best available science to advance your brand. When new data is needed, you can choose to contribute to the shared repository with cost-effective chemical hazard assessments performed by qualified toxicologists.

ChemFORWARD Safer Program Description ❯❯

“The ChemFORWARD SAFER program has the potential to change the industry. Currently there are no incentives for brands to demand safety information and for suppliers to provide it. While we're waiting for state and federal policies to catch up and protect consumer health and the environment, we need the market to provide a solution. The way the market will do that is when ingredient suppliers can show their work and verify their safety. Then, brands and retailers and customers can make more informed choices wherever they are in the supply chain. It couldn't be more clear that people want safer products and they want safer ingredients. But now the important question is, where the rubber meets the road? We need a trusted source, like, ChemFORWARD to help to do that work. “

Mia Davis, VP, Sustainability & Impact at Credo; Co-Founder at Pact Collective



From our team to our partners, we share a belief that change is not only possible but an urgent imperative. As a collective, our effort is fueled by a shared commitment to create a trusted repository of safer alternatives that is accessible to companies big and small.

Meet the companies embarking on a new way to define SAFER



Co-Design Partners