Gabrielle Rigutto Joins ChemFORWARD as Research & Data Quality Specialist

We are proud to announce that Gabrielle Rigutto, M.S., has joined ChemFORWARD as a Research & Data Quality Specialist.

This new full-time role will work directly with the ChemFORWARD science team, assessors and verifiers, and industry partners to provide support for new and existing projects as well as lead the exploration of safer alternatives for high-priority chemicals that will help to accelerate our mission.

With a Bachelor of Arts in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and a Master of Science in both Environmental Science & Policy and Environmental Health Sciences, Rigutto has recent experience with the Superfund Research Program within the Division of Environmental Health Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health and the Safer Consumer Products Program at the Department of Toxic Substances Control for the State of California. She joins ChemFORWARD after returning from a fellowship at the International Agency of Research on Cancer (IARC) at the World Health Organization in Lyon, France.

“My professional experience developing and spearheading projects involving the acquisition, management, and communication of chemical constituents of consumer products and environmental field data, combined with my environmental-health-related research experience in multiple graduate programs blends perfectly with this role,” shared Rigutto. She added, “I am passionate about advocating for comprehensive approaches to chemical risk assessment and policy frameworks that protect the public from harmful chemical exposures. I am excited about ChemFORWARD’s ambitious agenda. ”

“Gabrielle joins our growing science team at a time when we are preparing to support a global transition to safer chemistry. Gabrielle’s research will focus on prioritizing high-impact chemistries, including worst-in-class chemicals that are large contributors to pollution and disproportionate impacts. She will also be charged with identifying potentially safer alternatives and prioritizing chemicals for assessment, explained Stacy Glass, executive director, ChemFORWARD.

“We are excited to have Rigutto as part of our growing team and know she will be an integral part of ChemFORWARD’s efforts to create broad access to chemical hazard data, illuminate safer alternatives, and end toxic chemical exposure,” added Glass.


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