ChemFORWARD's Heather McKenney Appointed to California's Green Ribbon Science Panel
ChemFORWARD, a non-profit organization committed to advancing safer chemistry, announced today that Heather McKenney, Science and Safer Chemistry Lead for the organization, has been appointed to the prestigious Green Ribbon Science Panel (GRSP) by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC). The GRSP is composed of preeminent scientists and technical experts who provide advice and input on critical green chemistry and chemicals policy matters to support the Safer Consumer Products (SCP) Program. The first meeting for McKenney will take place in Sacramento, California on December 10th and 11th.

Heather McKenney Joins ChemFORWARD as Safer Chemistry Lead
Heather McKenney Joins ChemFORWARD as Safer Chemistry Lead