ChemFORWARD Shares Safe + Circular Packaging Materials Pilot Results
ChemFORWARD’s Plastic Additives Alternatives Finder Expands to Include Trade Name Materials - still freely available!
Since its launch in April, ChemFORWARD’s free Plastic Additive Optimization Tool has helped hundreds of formulators and designers check the chemical hazard profile of over 1100 plastic additives and find safer alternatives.
BASF Plasticizers Achieve Rigorous SAFER™ Designation
Five BASF plasticizers have met ChemFORWARD’s rigorous evaluation of human health and environmental criteria for preferred alternatives through the organization’s SAFER program.
Will Your Plastic Be Part of a Safe and Sustainable Economy? You’ll need to pay attention to the additives.
As citizens and governments wake up to the plastic pollution problem, they’re turning to businesses to solve it. Reusable containers and packaging eliminate the need for single-use plastic and should be pursued as a primary solution.
ChemFORWARD and SPC offer plastic producers free access to chemical additive safety tool
ChemFORWARD and SPC offer plastic producers free access to chemical additive safety tool
A tool to help plastics manufacturers identify safer additives is being made freely accessible to help accelerate the development of safer single use plastics and other recyclable materials.